Dear Mr Hatch...
Please protect the printed art industry from this device which blatantly enduces pwople to violate copyright:DigiDraw will allow anyone with a pen and a digidraw to make near perfect replicas of line art, drawings and photgraphs.
My journey to build a Laszlo enhanced Linux based Personal Video Recorder
Please protect the printed art industry from this device which blatantly enduces pwople to violate copyright:DigiDraw will allow anyone with a pen and a digidraw to make near perfect replicas of line art, drawings and photgraphs.
So we have enough parts to start building this week!
So I've located this little gem that looks like it will serve my needs well. Now understand that I'm normally an anti-integration nut. Motherboards didn't used to come with IDE controllers, or high speed serial ports and I was used to that. Combining boards has always seemed to be a bad idea to me because of the risks associated with having a single point of failure.
Technology an politics don't mix. This article points out some of the many reasons why. Copyright law and copyright holder's expectations need to change with the digital age. I have firm belief that when I have paid for a signal, once it comes into my house, it's mine to do with as I please. If I want to split it six times and show it in multiple rooms I should be allowed to do so. I don't have an issue with paying for a feed or even paying for multimple feeds but I do object to restrictions on what hardware I can use to view it or what I do with the data off that feed.