Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Screw ATI, nVIDIA is the way

The hardware is finally assembled and Mandrake 10 is running. The biggest problem was the video card. A donated ATI Radeo 7200 was in there for a while, but after reviewing what woul be required to turn on the TV out, I started evaluating other choices.

I just happened to have a no-name GeForce 4 4200 Ti about and slapped that in. and Bingo!

I'll get a full breakdown on the hardware with photos soon. Until ATI provides a page like the one linked above, I won't even try to make their boards work in any of my projects. I'll spend my money on supported hardware thank you very much.

Grand total for parts (purchesed new at current street prices) about $535 Not bad, more than I expected, but not bad.
Chassis - $40
Motherboard - $65
CPU - $67
RAM - $110
Capture card - $12
VGA - $86
Keyboard+ Mouse - $15
DVD+RW - $80
HDD - $60

Now that I look at it, the extra 512MB or PC2100 DDR is an expensive luxury.


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